HeBei DuLing International Trad co., LTD - Hebei, China


We have a very strict procurement system, there is one person who collects information for our customers, once he/she gets the purchase information, he/she will pass this information to our information inspection department for inspection. First we check the suppliers on the website,we will get at least 10 suppliers,next we will call them,ask them about the goods and certificates, licenses.After the call, we will make our first choice and select 3 suppliers out of 10. Then in the second step, we will go to the supplier company for inspection,check if it is factory or trade? and check their production equipment, testing equipment, etc. At last, we will recycle some samples and let our QC test it. If there is no problem with the sample, we will discuss the price and delivery time face to face with the supplier. After communicating with the supplier and making sure everything is OK, we submit all the information to our client. Once the customer confirms the order with us,we will pre

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