Perceptive Components Limited - GuangZhou, China


Perceptive Components Limited is one of the world's leading distributors of semiconductor and electronic components. With many years of business experience in the electronic components industry, we have in-depth cooperative relations with thousands of brand manufacturers and agents.

Perceptive not only provides high-quality Spot parts and new products for design engineers and purchasers, but also provides professional quality control protocols and processes, and is the most professional company in the stock supply of discontinued and scarce materials.

Our customers include security, LED lighting, medical equipment, automotive electronics, Aerospace applications, instrumentation, consumer electronics, optoelectronic coupling, power management, communications, network and computer circuit components, smart homes, sensing instruments, subway high-speed rail, automation, etc.

In addition, we can provide QC inspection for your electronic components. The following are the inspection items we can provide, if necessary, please visit our website

External Visual Inspection: Condition Observed checking Remarking and Re-surfacing

Solvent Test for Re-Surfacing - Dynasolve

X-Ray Inspection

Internal Construction / Lead Frame / Wire Bond / Die layout

RoHS Compliant

Electrical Test (MIL-STD-883 or Manufacturer Specifications)

Solderability Test  

Solderability Verification

Decapsulation Internal Analysis

Die Verification

Focus Markets


Awards and Certifications




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