Masood Group - Lahore, Pakistan


Pytoceuticals division of the Masood Group (Dr Masood Homeopathic Pharma). Exclusively launched the Moringa tea super blends in Pakistan with the collaboration of Homeo vitality UK. 1- Moringa Mehzal tea- Moringa tea for Digestion in Pakistan 2- Moring Slim Fast - Moringa tea for Weight loss in Pakistan 3- Moringa sleepy tea - Moringa tea for sleepnesses, anxiety and depression. 4- Moringa Triple leaf tea- With Japanese matcha and Chinese oolong tea, Immunity booster tea in Pakistan 5- Moringa black mulberry tea - For respiratory health 6- Moringa beauty tea with hibiscus and Japanese matcha. 7 - Moringa energizer boost tea - Pure organic Moringa oilefera tea

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