Jinan SkyLift Machinery Co.,ltd - Jinan, China


One of the Chinese largest manufacturers and suppliers of scissor lift tables and material handling equipments. SkyLift has been successfully installing our equipments into companies of all sizes, in all industrial sectors including engineering, manufacturing, packaging, processing… Why Use Skylift? With over 5 years of experience in the manufacture of materials handling equipments, Skylift’s skilled team can provide fast responses and technical expertise, whilst our nationwide network provides on site product demonstrations and competent advice in order to achieve the best, most cost effective solutions to your lifting and handling needs. Our Product Range Skylift produce lift tables suitable for almost every application with all industries, from the small handling tables to the largest lorry loaders or floor to floor lifts. Capacities range from only 200Kg, right up to 15,000Kg. In all over 10 standard models as well as custom built specials.

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