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Place of Origin : Los Angeles,United States

Product Description

Nutralite Keto :Pushups (3 sets of 10-15 reps), Jumping Jacks (3 sets of 10-15), standing squats (3 sets of 10-15). First thing in the morning, complete one set each of these exercises for a total of 3 sets each altogether, for example, 1 set of pushups, 1 set of jumping jacks, 1 set of squats, and repeat. This will get your body warmed up and your blood pumping.

Company Inforamtion
Nutralite Keto
[ Exporter - United States ]
 : 1679 Lowndes Hill Park Road
 : 03057152516

 : Wesley Wilson
 : 03057152516
 : 03057152516~
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